10 reasons for work & travel

For decades, backpackers have been setting out on adventures to work and travel in a foreign country. These experiences can be the most valuable of your life. It’s not important to be particularly open-minded or outgoing, because everything is going to happen automatically. Are you still not sure whether you should take the risk of a work and travel year? Then read the next ten facts and see for yourself!

#1 Freedom

A Work and Travel means pure freedom. Whether alone or with several other people, you do whatever you feel like doing. No parents who tell you what to do during the day. No employers who plan the week for you. No appointments, no obligations. Only you and your goals! If you get a car to travel and sleep in, you’ll be even more independent.

#2 Independence

“Mum, can you call the doctor?” – Not a chance! Even though your parents have always been super supportive, you are now by yourself. You have to master your daily routine without help and learn to make decisions and solve problems on your own. Look for a job and a flat by yourself, buy a car and manage your daily life independently!

#3 Open-mindedness

“No worries!” – is the keyword for this fact. Even if you are travelling alone, you are never really by yourself. You will meet new people, admire them for their culture or their approach to life and be grateful for every additional experience with other people. You have the greatest conversations and you hear the most interesting stories. What could be better than making new friends?

#4 Different activities

Different country, other activities. You’ ll learn to push your limits and you’ll soon realise that you are capable of much more. Now you are probably thinking: I have already exceeded my limits by travelling to a foreign country all by myself! Yes, but you will go beyond your limits many more times. You will learn new things and find out what you really enjoy in life.

#5 Deepening your language skills

Your foreign language skills will be clearly improved by a stay abroad. You’ll have to communicate in a different language immediately, and you’ll get better at it each day. If you’re lucky, your foreign accent will even fade.

#6 No time for laziness

Of course, sitting on the couch in front of the TV with a nice movie is very cosy and relaxing. Instead of watching people behind the camera, wouldn’t it be much cooler to experience something yourself? Other countries offer you so many opportunities to experience a thrill. Snorkel in turquoise waters, camp in a forest a mile wide, or watch animals you’ve only seen on TV until now.

#7 Try and see

Every problem has a solution. Since you are often on your own, you are bound to solve problems yourself – whether it’s fixing a fence or getting your car running. You need to try and manage it yourself and you will soon realise that it feels good to accomplish something on your own!

#8 New daily routine

Especially during Work and Travel you will get to know a completely different view of everyday life. Since you will be exploring many different cities and doing different jobs, your everyday life will always be a bit different from your previous routine.  

#9 Learning to manage money

If you couldn’t do it before, you’ll learn it now. You will be taught to prioritise and manage your money so that you can live on it for as long as possible. In addition, you will gain an appreciation for the little things in life.

#10 To be alone does not mean to be lonely

Well, this point is probably more a question of character, but you will soon realise that peace and quiet is something to be enjoyed. If your accommodation is mostly shared rooms in a hostel, you will enjoy being alone for a few hours. No snoring and no loud conversations. You will only find yourself in these “lonely” moments, which are actually not so lonely.  

This article was about:OceaniaAustralia

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